Crime & Justice

Decision-Making on Bail and Remand

Decision-Making on Bail and Remand

KSO Research was commissioned by the Scottish Government to lead exploratory research into the reasons behind decisions on bail and remand.  Interim findings were published in early 2022, detailing the findings from surveys conducted with members of the judiciary and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS), available here: Decision-making on bail and remand: interim findings report - (

The final report, which presents findings from qualitative fieldwork with the judiciary, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, defence agents, and justice social workers is available here: Decision-making on Bail and Remand in Scotland: final report - December 2023 - (

Bail and Release from Custody

Bail and Release from Custody

The Scottish Government ran a public consultation to seek views on proposed reforms to the law relating to bail and release from custody in Scotland. KSO Research was commissioned to carry out an independent analysis of consultation responses - read the report here: Bail and release from custody arrangements: consultation analysis - (

Improving Victims’ Experience of the Justice System: Consultation Analysis

Improving Victims’ Experience of the Justice System: Consultation Analysis

The Scottish Government ran a public consultation on improving victims' experiences of the justice system seeking views on potential reforms to empower and protect victims of crime.  The proposals in the consultation considered the work of the Victims Taskforce and recommendations from Lady Dorrian’s review into improving the management of sexual offence cases.

KSO Research was commissioned to carry out analysis of the consultation responses and their report was used to help inform the Victims, Witnesses, and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill that was introduced to the Scottish Parliament on 25 April 2023.  Read the analysis report  on the Scottish Government website: Improving victims' experiences of the justice system: consultation analysis - (

Prolific Illegal Driving Behaviour: A Qualitative Study

Prolific Illegal Driving Behaviour: A Qualitative Study

A commission on behalf of Transport Scotland to recruit and interview a number of self-confessed prolific illegal drivers and to explore motivations for illegal driving practices, perceptions of risk (of accidents and detection) and what may work in deterring future offending behaviour.

KSO Research led a team in delivering all aspects of the project, reported here: Prolific Illegal Driving Behaviour: A Qualitative Study | Transport Scotland

Analysis of Responses to the Consultation on Raising the Age of Referral to the Principal Reporter

Analysis of Responses to the Consultation on Raising the Age of Referral to the Principal Reporter

The Scottish Government launched a consultation to gather views on the principle of raising the age at which children can be referred to the Children’s Reporter to include all under 18s - whether on care, protection or offence grounds.

KSO Research analysed all responses, including Easy Read contributions, to produce a final published report available at: Analysis of consultation responses for: Raising the Age of Referral to the Principal Reporter: Final Report (