Travel and Transport

Evaluation of Transport Scotland’s Walking and Cycling Schools Programme

Evaluation of Transport Scotland’s Walking and Cycling Schools Programme

Transport Scotland’s Walking and Cycling Schools Programme has the overall aim of promoting and encouraging take up of all sustainable and active travel means among children for everyday shorter journeys, as an alternative to car use. KSO Research was commissioned to carry out an independent evaluation to explore the overall effectiveness of the programme, its impact, reach and delivery and to develop  recommendations for improvements in the service offer to schools.

Read more at: Evaluation of Transport Scotland’s Walking and Cycling Schools Programme

Aviation Strategy: Consultation Analysis

Aviation Strategy: Consultation Analysis

Transport Scotland launched a consultation inviting views on how the Scottish Government could best work with others to achieve its vision for aviation.  The consultation invited views across four main topics, namely: transition to low and zero emission aviation; Scotland's international connectivity; Scotland's domestic connectivity; and air freight.  Kate and her team led analysis and reporting for the project.

Read more at: Aviation Strategy: Analysis of consultation responses (

Free Bus Travel for People Resident in Scotland aged under 19

Free Bus Travel for People Resident in Scotland aged under 19

The Scottish Government launched a consultation to inform development of a new statutory national concessionary scheme providing free bus travel for people resident in Scotland aged under 19. Views were gathered on the proposed arrangements for the scheme, including options on how it should operate and the potential implications it may have, both positive and negative, for children and young people and other key stakeholders.

KSO Research led analysis of consultation responses and produced the final report, to inform and assist with taking forward the proposals available at: Consultation on Free Bus Travel for People Resident in Scotland aged under 19 (

Evaluation of Road Safety Scotland’s Learning Resources

Evaluation of Road Safety Scotland’s Learning Resources

A mixed methods research project that involved a survey of schools, interviews with local authority staff, including RSOs and workshops with professionals involved in the delivery of road safety education in schools.  The evaluation assessed four of Road Safety Scotland’s main learning resources and made recommendations around future promotion and marketing of the resources to maximise uptake.

KSO Research led all stages of the work, including all analysis and reporting.  See: Evaluation of Road Safety Scotland’s Learning Resources (